Bouquet BQ-0444

VND 7,157,000

This exquisite bouquet of 40 white roses is perfect for any special occasion.

The fresh, fragrant roses are hand-selected and carefully arranged by our florists to create a beautiful and elegant presentation.

This stunning bouquet is sure to impress!


Fresh FlowersHandmade DailyOn-time Delivery

Fast delivery: Deliver within 2h after confirmation of order before 5 pm (GMT+7) same day.
For urgent cases, please contact (+84) 090 2828 143 (whatsapp, zalo) to place your order.
- Please note: Bulky items will require an additional shipping fee (Ex - Flowers stand: + VND 100.000/item)

Every flower arrangement/bouquet is handmade so it may not be exactly the same as sample.
Sometimes if the flower is not available in season, we'll need to use a substitution to give you the best bouquet.
In this case we will inform you before start processing.

This exquisite bouquet of 40 white roses is perfect for any special occasion.

The fresh, fragrant roses are hand-selected and carefully arranged by our florists to create a beautiful and elegant presentation. This stunning bouquet is sure to impress!



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