Lily flower | Meaning – Facts

The name lily flower comes from the Greek word “leiron” that meant “white, pure, lovely”. The flowers are large, often fragrant, and come in a wide range of colours including whites, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds and purples. Markings include spots and brush strokes. The plants are late spring- or summer-flowering.

What is the meaning of the lily flower?

Lily flowers are elegant to look at and these denote beauty and serenity. These majestic flowers are symbolic to commitment, new beginnings and purity. The white variety is a sign of commitment in marriage while the pink ones indicate budding romance. The yellow and orange flowers symbolise new beginnings and celebrations.

Lilies are pretty flowers you can give to anyone to brighten up their day. It’s the most gorgeous at the time of summer solstice. You can give these flowers to friends or family to make them happy.

Some facts about this flower:

  • Lily is the national flower of Italy.
  • Lilies are considered as the traditional flower gifts for 30th wedding anniversary celebrations.
  • Lily flowers can stay up to three weeks in a vase if you could maintain these flowers. You have to just remove the pollen from the center.
  • Lilies are the favourite bouquet flowers. After roses, it is said lilies are the most favourite flowers all over the world!
  • Though lilies are not toxic for us, never bring these flowers near a cat. Lilies are toxic to them (Animal Poison Control Center).

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